NGNG™ proudly presents…

Countdown for our September event (Hurry! Only 9 seats left before we sell out!)

Silent Auction Update: Thank you to everyone who participated! We are thrilled to announce that we raised $11,510, enabling Clay and Amber to distribute over 750 books to children in hospitals this winter.

Quiz + Contest | Books & Business Module #1

We’ve officially come to the end of the ‘Prepare’ module in the Books & Business series… dang did we cover a lot of ground in these 5 videos!

…Ready to test your knowledge?

Click the image below to take a short quiz to see what you’ve learned (and what you may need to brush up on, lol).

The person with the highest score will win a complementary 30min strategy session (valued at $1750) with yours truly.

We’ll announce the winner in next week’s newsletter, so be on the lookout. After that, we’ll be moving into the module of MARKETING and it’s gonna rock your world. 🙂 

Talk soon,





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AmberV believes that in order to win the attention war online, we must focus on developing meaningful connections with individuals in our communities to scale our influence.

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