Update on Clay’s Silent Auction: We raised a total of $12,698!

Announcing the Books & Business Event

I had a hard time sleeping this past Saturday night. I couldn’t tell if it was nerves or excitement or both.

I was reflecting back on all of the “private” and quiet moments I’ve had over the last MANY years… the moments when I had this whisper of a calling to get my ideas/content/message out to the world in a much bigger way.

I can be brave in this moment and admit that there has been a part of me that was hiding, or holding back. There was always some reason why I didn’t get that “thing” out into the world (book/podcast/event/program etc.). I mean, I’m incredibly busy and I am fulfilled in my work as it is. Years have passed. And I can be seriously proud of everything I accomplished for others!

…And yet, the whisper was still there.

For the last six months, I have been working my tail off to create space – the space needed to finally do something about that whisper. And todayI want to reveal to you something that feels very, very personal to me… and yet is really all about YOU. So as you read this, relate to it based on your own journey. Connect with me.

In the last 6 months, I have made several big decisions and changes, to put several big ideas in motion.

  • I created a “Collective” of powerhouse companies who share my values and provide an excellent service to my kind of clientele. They now share in my client work to help me ‘be more’ for the world. We really prove “Better Together.”
  • I took 16 years of work, client results, and ideas and reorganized it into a powerful curriculum which you have been experiencing the beginning of: Books & Business. Business foundation, branding, marketing, monetization, customer journey, and sales, writing a book, publishing a book, and scaling up. The series continues 10/3.
  • I am in contract to launch a brand new, unique, and innovative podcast in early February, and have a big launch for my new book called Books & Business in early April.
  • Add on a project VERY, VERY special to my heart… I got time back to be able to work with Clay on one of his whispers this summer. A whisper he had to write a book. The Long Forest Trail is in final illustration production and headed to the printers for a November 7 release. I literally cannot WAIT to show it to you!!
  • And the whisper that is the focus of this particular post…

I am now ready to announce that my bravery has led me to host my own 2-day live event in Austin, TX this Nov 9-10th. All details here

(I’ve spoken at a ton of events, and I’ve co-hosted some events. But this is the first time I’m going out on my own.)

  • The content will be *excellent* as my minimum standard.
  • The caliber of individuals in the room will be truly the best of the best.
  • I’ve put great care and focus on ways to elevate the experience.
    • Easy travel. The venue is 20min from Austin International with easy access to shops.
    • We have selected Hotel Ella, a luxurious boutique hotel set within a refurbished manor house dating back to 1898.
    • I am paying for all meals (sophisticated healthy global cuisine), snacks, beverages and open bars in the evenings.
    • Amenities include free Internet access, fresh luxe bed linens, an awesome private wrap-around veranda, an outdoor swimming pool with sundeck, a private walled garden terrace, and a courtyard featuring sculptures by artist Charles Umlauf.
    • I have a fantastic photographer/videographer flying in to help you with your photo/video desires.
  • There is a VIP track that offers 6 hours of additional Mastermind Meetups before, during, and after the event to maximize the experience.

[Get all event details here. Note, we only have 40 spots available, and pricing goes up in ONE week!]

…And I know I’m biased, but the BEST part of this event… is my son Clay is attending!!!!!!! He will bring a copy of his children’s book for everyone in the room. We will launch him into the world, and celebrate (bring Kleenex!). Together, we will make this little boy’s dream come true!!!

I want to make YOUR dreams come true too. If you know me at all, you know I have a huge heart, in service of kind and serious people who want to scale their impact, income, and life experience.

Whether you are planning on a future book launch or not, this event is mostly about becoming the authority in your industry and making your dreams come true. Slow down for 2 days to accelerate forward 10x faster.

This event will be one of the very most meaningful experiences of my life.

If you hear the whisper to come, I hope you’re brave enough to listen and make it happen.

[Get all event details here. Note, we only have 40 spots available, and pricing goes up in ONE week!]

With so much joy,
Amber V




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AmberV believes that in order to win the attention war online, we must focus on developing meaningful connections with individuals in our communities to scale our influence.

About AmberV